$1.4 Million Settlement
Fatigued 18 Wheeler Driver Kills Mother
Car Accidents
Wrongful Death
It has happened to us all - car trouble. We do what we are supposed to do and move to the shoulder. We call for help and wait. While waiting, we watch drivers speeding past us. We trust they are considering our safety and that all will be fine until help arrives. We especially trust the professional drivers of big trucks to operate and control their vehicles in a manner that will keep us from harm.
On this particular summer day, that trust was broken. An 80,000 lb monster, moving at interstate speeds, was being driven by a man who should not have been behind the wheel. Fatigue, distraction, and/or a combination of the two operated to remove community safety as a priority. Decisions made by the driver and his company came together at the absolute wrong moment and caused the 40 ton truck to be out of control. The truck drifted over and destroyed the vehicle that was waiting for help to arrive.
A mother would never return home from work. There were never any last good-byes. Never any last hugs. Things never said, that would have been said. Children were left without a parent. Lives were changed forever.
This was not an accident. This was a breakdown in a system of safety that is designed to prevent this very type of harm from occurring. This was a choice and a breach of the trust we as a community placed in this driver and his company.
The attorneys of Beall & Thies, LLC assisted in a recovery that established an annuity for these children, in hopes that those opportunities their mother may have provided for them, will still be there in the future. We cannot replace a mother’s love, but we were able to insure the future care for these children.
On this particular summer day, that trust was broken. An 80,000 lb monster, moving at interstate speeds, was being driven by a man who should not have been behind the wheel. Fatigue, distraction, and/or a combination of the two operated to remove community safety as a priority. Decisions made by the driver and his company came together at the absolute wrong moment and caused the 40 ton truck to be out of control. The truck drifted over and destroyed the vehicle that was waiting for help to arrive.
A mother would never return home from work. There were never any last good-byes. Never any last hugs. Things never said, that would have been said. Children were left without a parent. Lives were changed forever.
This was not an accident. This was a breakdown in a system of safety that is designed to prevent this very type of harm from occurring. This was a choice and a breach of the trust we as a community placed in this driver and his company.
The attorneys of Beall & Thies, LLC assisted in a recovery that established an annuity for these children, in hopes that those opportunities their mother may have provided for them, will still be there in the future. We cannot replace a mother’s love, but we were able to insure the future care for these children.