$1.4 Million Settlement
Defective Drug Results in Death
Product Liability
Our client was a 28 yr old widow who had one child and was pregnant with another. Her husband had been in great physical shape, was active in sports, but did have a history of low back pain for which he was prescribed and took a specific medication. One evening, he awoke with bad chest pains and suddenly went into cardiac arrest. As our client was a registered nurse, she attempted CPR on her husband while awaiting for emergency medical responders. Unfortunately, the young man passed away.
Our client found herself widowed, with a young daughter, and newborn infant. Her ability to keep her home and to provide for her daughters in the same manner as had her husband survived was now in question.
Investigation revealed the drug he had been taken was manufactured by a well-known drug company and was marketed as a safe anti-inflammatory analgesic. We began to believe the company intentionally concealed serious cardiovascular risks associated with this particular drug. Multiple cases of heart problems began to surface across the country and the drug was removed from the market.
On behalf of the young widow, her small daughter, and newborn infant, our law firm filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer alleging violation of Louisiana Product Liability Laws, in that the manufacturer placed an unreasonably dangerous drug into the market when it knew or should have known of the dangerous potential of cardiovascular problems, and for failing to warn of such known problems. The drug company denied any responsibility.
The attorneys of Beall & Thies were able to assist in a recovery which secured the financial future for these two little girls, and well as insure this young mother had the resources to rebuild her life.
Our client found herself widowed, with a young daughter, and newborn infant. Her ability to keep her home and to provide for her daughters in the same manner as had her husband survived was now in question.
Investigation revealed the drug he had been taken was manufactured by a well-known drug company and was marketed as a safe anti-inflammatory analgesic. We began to believe the company intentionally concealed serious cardiovascular risks associated with this particular drug. Multiple cases of heart problems began to surface across the country and the drug was removed from the market.
On behalf of the young widow, her small daughter, and newborn infant, our law firm filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer alleging violation of Louisiana Product Liability Laws, in that the manufacturer placed an unreasonably dangerous drug into the market when it knew or should have known of the dangerous potential of cardiovascular problems, and for failing to warn of such known problems. The drug company denied any responsibility.
The attorneys of Beall & Thies were able to assist in a recovery which secured the financial future for these two little girls, and well as insure this young mother had the resources to rebuild her life.